Saturday, 14 November 2015

Reflective journal

                              Today in fourth period I went to the 9H and discussed about the remaining portion of karst landforms that is stalactite and stalagmite and cave pillar.I drew the pictures of stalactite and stalagmite during the explanation of it's formation.The students were interested to see the pictures.After the class I give an activity to write a brief note onkarst landforms.After collecting the answer sheets I went to the lunch.
                             Sixth hour was in 9 D.From the class some students went to club meetings and the class strength was poor.IN also took the same portion as in 9 H. After that IS gave another activity to prepare a flow chart on the landforms by different agents groupwise.The siscussion takesplace very actively and thwy prepared based on different ideas. They demand a gift for the good one. I agreed their demand.
                            I get different flow charts. Some groups divided the landforms into erosional and dwpositional and write their names. But students from some groups classified by mixing all the landforms below the agents and mentioned erosional or depositional in the brackets of each landforms.

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